Dept. of English
Associate Professor
Personal Profile:
Nationality: Indian
Religion: Hindu
Caste: Brahmin
Language Known: Bengali, Hindi, English
Educational Qualification:
Name Of Examination | Name Of Board/university | Year Of Passing | Division | Specialization |
B.A | University of Calcutta | 1982 | II | |
M.A | University of Calcutta | 1984 | II | Contemporary English |
M.Phil | University of North Bengal | 1991 | I | |
Ph.D | University of North Bengal | 22.05.2006 |
Employment History:
Lecturer | 14.03.2001-13.03.2006 | Siliguri Mahila Mahabidyalaya |
Lecturer(Senior Scale) | 14.03.2006-30.06.2006 | Siliguri Mahila Mahabidyalaya |
Assistant Professor(Stage II) ) | 01.07.2006-13.03.2011 | Siliguri Mahila Mahabidyalaya |
Assistant Professor(Stage III) ) | 14.03.2011-13.03.2014 | Siliguri Mahila Mahabidyalaya |
Associate Professor | 14.03.2014-continuing | Siliguri Mahila Mahabidyalaya |
Academic Honours And Awards:
- Ph. D in English Literature from the University of North Bengal in 2006
- Title: Irish Nationalism and W.B. Yeats’s Poetry: A Critical Study.
1) Overwhelming Consciousness of Evil in Baudalaire, Symposium, Vol.2 No.2 Dec.2003
2) The Silhouetted Self in Mahasweta Devi’s Mother of 1084, Journal of the Department of English, Vidyasagar University, Vol 09, 2011-2012
3) Bridging Angst: Interpreting Mahasweta Devi’s Mother of 1084, Galaxy International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Vol 1. Issue 1, January, 2012.
4) Indianness in Tagore’s Poems: Mirrored in Dyson’s Translations. Rediscovering Rabindranath Tagore. Ranjanikar. A(ed) New Voices Publication. Aurangabad, March, 2012.
5)Debt to Soil: Dyson’s Translations of Tagore’s poems. Salesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. Vol III.NO.1. Translation: Literary and Linguistic Terrain, May,2012.
6)The Sky of Drought. Survival and Other Stories. Bangla Dalit Fiction in Translation, Orient Blackswan, 2012
7) Live and Let Live: A Harsh Reality in the Doors Corridor in Bengal as reflected in serious writings. Changing Society of 20th Century Bengal, Progressive Publishers, Kolkata, 2013
8) The Language of Privatization in Higher Education: Need of the Hour in Contemporary North Bengal. Contemporary North Bengal (1947-2011): A Discourse on Regional Politics and Economy, 2013
9) Mass, Media and Women: Issues and Challenges. Social Security for Women, Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi, 2014
10) Kasemi,N& Das,T(ed). Population, Urbanisation and Changing State of Environment. Responses to the Environment: through Poetry. Graphic Printers, Siliguri, September, 2014.
11) Siddik.A(ed).Representation of the Marginalized in Indian Writings in English. The Fringed Entity in Indian Writings in English. NSPS, 2015.
12) Basu,J& Jana,M(ed).Women Empowerment: Miles to go. Education as a Tool of Women Empowerment: A Reading of Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Lowland. Radiance, Kolkata, 2015
13) Kamruzzaman,SK(ed).Changing Scenario of Society and Culture in the Context of Globalisation. Socio-Cultural transformation and Development of Women as reflected in Popular Culture. NSPS, August, 2015.
14) Saxena,A. (ed). Women Empowerment Through Skill Development
A Vision of Women Empowerment in Postmodern Indian English Fiction, Discovery Publishing House, New Delhi, 2015.
15) Barman,R.K &Das, R.K.(ed) Demarcation of Morality in Human Life: Possibilities and Consequences. Malaise in Society: A Study Abhijeet Publications, New Delhi, 2015
16) Dr.Naha,S & (Bhowal)Roychoudhury,M .(ed). Contemporary Social Science: Issues and Challenges, Partition Literature:Treatise on Human Rights. NSPS, April, 2017
17) Dr. De,U & Dr.Sarkar, J.(ed) Postcolonial Indian Drama in English and English Translation: Reading Themes and Techniques Politics of Discrimination in Utpal Dutt’s Hunting the Sun. Authorpress, New Delhi, 2017
18) Rao, G.S.R.(ed) Muse India, the Literary e-Journal Issue.109. May-June, 2023. Commitment(s) ISSN: 0975-1815
A. Seminar
I. Paper Presentation:
- The Other Board Syndrome: An Infrastructural Menace in Urbanized Siliguri in “Socio, Economic and Cultural Development in North Bengal: Problems and Prospects”, organized by Siliguri Mahila Mahavidyalaya 22-23 Aug, 2008. UGC Sponsored 2 Days’ National Seminar
- Forced Migration at the U.G.Level: A Stark reality in Siliguri in UGC Sponsored National Seminar “ Economic Reforms in India with Special Reference to the Socio Economic Development of North Bengal” organized by Siliguri College of Commerce in Collaboration with Siliguri Jalpaiguri Development Authority (SJDA), 16-17 March,2013.
- Fate and Free will: Re-reading Dickens in the 21st Century in UGC Sponsored National Seminar “Reviewing Dickens Bi Centinary: Reading 21st Century Interpretations of Charles Dickens”, organized by University B.T.& Evening College, NBU in collaboration with Dinhata College, Coochbehar, 22, March,2013.
- A Vision of Women Empowerment in Postmodern Indian English Fiction: The Creator and the Created in UGC Sponsored National Seminar “Women in Contemporary India: Issues and Challenges” organized by Centre for Women’s Studies, University of North Bengal, 29-30 March, 2013.
- Women and/in Media: Issues and Challenges in “Social Security of Women in India” organized by Sikkim University in collaboration with The Association of Indian Universities on 31st March, 2013.
- Reel and Real: Dyad in Identity Creation of Women through Daily Soaps in UGC Sponsored National Seminar “Questioning Identity: Responses of the State and Community in Contemporary India” organized by Departmenet of Political Science and Sociology, Barrackpur Rastraguru Surendranath College, Barrackpur in collaboration with the Jadavpur Association of International Relations, 23-24 August, 2013.
- The Language of Privatization in Higher Education: Need of the hour in Contemporary North Bengal in UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “Contemporary North Bengal(19b47-2011): A Discourse on Regional Politics and Economy” organized by Siliguri College in association with Munshi Premchand Mahavidyalaya, Siliguri on 22-24 November,2013.
- Vivekananda’s View and Women and Indian English Fiction in “Reviewing Vivekananda in the 21st Century” organized by Department of History, Siliguri Mahila Mahabidyalaya, Siliguri, 25 February,2014.
- Status of Indian Women: Reality check through Literature in “Changing Status of Women in India: Dimensions and Concerns” organized by Centre for Women’s Studies, University of North Bengal on 29-30, March,2014.
- Teacher Education Programme : Basics and Practices in “Achievement of quality in Teacher Education Programmes” organized by Vidyasagar College of Education, 19-20 February,2015.
- The Array of Darkness/Light for Indian Dalit Women in the 21st Century in UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “Women in 21st Century: Livelihood, Environment and Sustainability” organized by Centre for Women’s Studies, University of North Bengal on 27-28, March,2015.
- Culture as a Means to Augment Bilateral Relations: As reflected in Literature in International Level Seminar on “Indo -Bhutan Relations Through the Centuries” at N.B.S.Mahavidyalaya December 23-24, 2014
- Gendered Fabric in Utpal Dutt’s Hunting the Sun: A Perspective in UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Changing Directions of the Postcolonial Indian Theatre by University B.T & Evening College in collaboration with Dinhata College, 29-30, September, 2015.
- Sister Nivedita and Lady Augusta Gregory: A Comparative Study in Nationalism” in the State Level Seminar on Contribution of Sister Nibedita to Social Reforms, Women Empowerment and Nationalistic Movement: A Tribute on the 150th Birth Anniversary, Siliguri Mahila Mahavidyalaya in collaboration with the North Bengal University Alumni Association, 31.01.2017.
- Boldness in the Poetic Arena of Kamala Das in a Departmental Level Seminar organized by the Department of Sociology, Siliguri Mahila Mahavidyalaya on “Women: be Bold for Change” on 09.03.2017.
- Glocal Issues in Amitav Ghosh’s The Hungry Tide: An Exploration in an International Seminar on “Glocal Issues in Contemporary Art, Culture and Society” organized by IQAC, Birpara College on 30-31 March,2017
B. Workshop:
- 5 Days UGC Sponsored Workshop on “Capacity Building of Women Managers in Higher Education. Centre For Women’s Studies, University of North Bengal, 27-3 March, 2007 (National Level)
- 2 Days UGC Sponsored Orientation Workshop on “CEDAW and its Implementation in India”, Centre for Women’s Studies. PD Women’s College, Jalpaiguri. 28-29 March,2007 (National Level)
- 2 Days Workshop on NAAC Accreditation/Best Practices in Higher Education for Colleges in North Bengal District, Quality Assurance Cell (NAAC), West Bengal State Council of Higher Education and Surya Sen Mahavidyalaya on 05-06 February,2008 (Regional Level)
- 3 Days National Workshop on Approaches to and Strategies of Translating Dalit Literature. Organized by UGC-SAP-III, DRS, Phase I, Dept. of English, Vidyasagar University.19-21 August, 2010
- 2 Days Workshop on Open Educational Resources for Distance Mode of Learning. Directorate of Distance Education, University of North Bengal, 1-12 March,2011
D. Training Programme:
6 Days UGC Sponsored Residential Workshop on “Capacity Building of Women Managers in Higher Education-Training of Trainers”, Centre for Women’s Studies, Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata. 07-12 January, 2008 (National Level)
Course Attended:
- UGC Sponsored Refresher Course on “Perspectives on Romantic Literature in English”, 02-22 January,2004. Organized By University of North Bengal
- UGC Sponsored Orientation Program 10 February-09 March,2006, Organized by ASC,University of Calcutta.
- UGC Sponsored Refresher Course in English 20 Feb to 11 March.2008. Organized by ASC,University of Calcutta.
- UGC Sponsored Refresher Course in English 02 Jan Feb to 22 Jan.2010. Organized by ASC,University of Calcutta.
- UGC Sponsored Refresher Course in English 08-28 January,2014 Organized by ASC University of North Bengal
Research Experience: 19.12.2002 To 22.05.2006
Social & Community Services: Yes, Involved In Social & Community Service.
Area Of Interest: Contemporary English,Gender Studies,Translation Studies