Siliguri Mahila Mahavidyalaya

Siliguri Mahila Mahavidyalaya

Siliguri, Dist: Darjeeling, West Bengal, India

Affiliated To The University Of North Bengal

NAAC Accredited

ISO 9001:2115


About The Department

Department of History of Siliguri Mahila Mahabidyalaya was established in the year 1981 with the establishment of this college. It is one of the oldest Department of Siliguri Mahila Mahabidayalya . Initially pass course was introduced in the session 1981-1982 with a single teacher. The name of the Teacher was Smt. Ruma Kar Choudhury. The Honours course was started in the session 1994-1995. This department is engaged in teaching Indian history, World History, History of North Bengal and many more.
At present intake capacity of History Honours is 84 & no of Teachers are four.
Smt. Srabani Chatterjee, Associate Professor is the Head of the Department. Prodipta Bose, Associate Professor, Sucheta Mitra, SACT, Moushikha Chatterjee, SACT are other three faculty members of this Department. This department offers both honours course and program course .New education policy and its history syllabus for under graduate course and structure are introduced by the University of North Bengal are incorporated by the Department of History.

Lots of History books are available in college library. Department of History has a strong bond between the students and teachers. Not only that we organize various seminars, invited lecture, special lecture for the benefit of our students. History Department publishes wall magazine on History and participation of students in this publication definitely help them to enhance their writing and thinking skill. Interactive sessions with the students, Fresher’s welcome programme, and cultural activity by the students creates unity and fraternity in the Department. In our department we emphasize on the skill enhancement of our students.

History provides us a chronological and systematic account of the past. History enables students to gain a better understanding of the human civilization. History discusses about the growth and development of mankind.  History helps us to comprehend change and how the society we live in came to be. . It is essential to study history because it reveals our past. Since the initiation of the Institution, Department of History records maximum number of students to opt History as their subject of study. History is not only the study of the past but it is a continuous process of interaction of man with his environment and fellowmen.

History Department of   Siliguri Mahila Mahabidyalaya helps to fabricate knowledge and understanding of a subject area which helps to prepare students for better understanding of the subject. Studying history is essential because it allows us to understand our past.

History is a systematic account of humankind. There is a variety of job prospect which includes Academician, Civil Service administrator, Heritage manager, Archaeologist, Museum or gallery exhibitions officer and many more. This Department organizes Departmental Seminars, viva-voce, special lectures, wall magazine publication, study tour, etc. every year. Educational tour or museum visit are organized by the department for the Honours students every year.  Many students of this department are well established in their respective area.

Why study History Department?

History provides us a chronological and systematic account of the past. It is essential to study history because it reveals our past, facilitates us to comprehend who we are, where we arrive from and can perhaps reveal where we will be heading to. The past teaches us regarding the present. History gives us the apparatus to analyze and elucidate problems in the past.

History Department of Siliguri Mahila Mahabidyalaya helps to fabricate knowledge and understanding of a subject area which helps to prepare students for better understanding of the subject. Studying history is essential because it allows us to understand our past.

Siliguri Mahila Mahabidyalaya has four faculty members in History Department. Lots of History books are available in college library. Department of history has a strong bond between the students and teachers. Not only that we organize various seminars, invited lecture, special lecture for the benefit of our students. History department publishes wall magazine on History and participation of students in this publication definitely help them to enhance their writing and thinking skill. Interactive sessions with the students. Fresher’s welcome programme, cultural activity by the students creates unity and fraternity in the Department. In our department we emphasize on the skill enhancement of our students. We provide extra classes and emphasize on skill based learning.

Intake Capacity

Libraby Books: Approximately 500 books of history are available for the students in our college library.

Study Material

Study materials in the form of printed material of reference books, photocopy of various text books, online material, photocopy of journals, power point presentation etc. are provided to the students to categorize difficult concepts, and help them to achieve learning objectives, study material serves as a teaching aid for communicating knowledge effectively. Enahancement of learning process is necessary to deveolop skill.

Faculty Members

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