Disciplinary Rules
Disciplinary Rules
The students shall strictly obey the disciplinary rules framed by the college/ management which may be framed from time to time. Non-compliance of these rules will be dealt by the Principal Dean in the manner he she considers fit and his decision will be final in such matters.
- Every student should behave with discipline and must reflect a sense of responsibility within and outside the College campus.
- Students are required to maintain the topmost standard of behaviour and discipline both inside and outside the College.
- Each student shall be bound by all the rules and regulations made by the College.
- No book from the library will be issued without the Library Card and the Identity Card.
- Each student should wear the Identity Card round the neck while on the campus and should produce it when demanded by authority.
- No student or group of students can form any club, association etc. or organize event, activity etc. or collect any funds or subscription without prior permission of the Principal.
- Faculty class- in- charge will keep a close watch on the scholar’s attendance, progress, conduct and will look after their general well-being.
- Carrying any valuables, or expensive mobiles, vehicles etc. on the College campus will be at the risk of the students and the College authority will not accept any responsibility of any loss or damages of such valuables of the campus.
- Students sharing preparing for Moot Court should attend their classes and they will be permitted to use the library after the classes.