Siliguri Mahila Mahavidyalaya

Siliguri Mahila Mahavidyalaya

Siliguri, Dist: Darjeeling, West Bengal, India

Affiliated To The University Of North Bengal

Accredited by NAAC with Grade "B"

ISO 9001:2115

Archives And Museum

Date: 13.09.2019
Venue: VCL
Number of participants: 92

Department of History of Siliguri Mahila Mahabidyalaya organized a one day WORKSHOP on ‘ARCHIVES AND MUSEUM ’ on 13TH SEPTEMBER at VCL ROOM . Main theme of the workshop is ‘ARCHIVES AND MUSEUM’ which is one of the most significant topic introduced by the University of North Bengal in the History syllabus of under graduate course in the SEC PAPER. The main objective is to provide a platform for interaction and discussion from the participants to promote the skill of research, practice and interpretation. Primary purpose of this workshop is to promote historical sense and values of our society.

The prime objective is to convey precise knowledge or proficiency on archives and museum because it is very important for the students of history to know about museum and achieves for studying and reconstruction of History. To encourage and motivate students by involvement in real world experiences, achievement stories or innovative ideas associated to the subject matter.

The workshop was inaugurated at 11.30 a.m with the welcome address by Dr. Subrata Debnath,Principal, Siliguri Mahila Mahabidyalaya. He has mentioned some important features of archieves and museum.The dignatories on the dias were Dr.Bijay Kumar Sarkar, Professor,Department of History, university of North Bengal and Director, AKM Museum,University of North Bengal, Dr. Subrata Debnath , Principal, Siliguri Mahila Mahabidyalaya, Srabani Chatterjee, Head, Department of History, Siliguri Mahila Mahabidyalaya, Prodipta Bose,Assistant Professor, Department of History, Siliguri Mahila Mahabidyalaya, Sucheta Mitra ,Guest Lecturer , Department of History, Siliguri Mahila Mahabidyalaya, Moushikha Chatterjee ,Guest Lecturer , Department of History, Siliguri Mahila Mahabidyalaya .

Srabani Chatterjee, Head, Department of History, Siliguri Mahila Mahabidyalaya has delivered a special lecture on museum and archives.

Prodipta Bose, Assistant Professor, Department of History, Siliguri Mahila Mahabidyalaya, has discussed about the importance of museums and archives for the study and research of history related to the SEC paper of CBCS History under graduate syllabus. She has also mentioned the significance of visiting the museum and archives .

All the dignitaries were felicitated by the students of our college.
Students from all departments and Teaching and non teaching staff from other departments are present.

Keynote Speaker

Dr. Bijay Kumar Sarkar, Professor, Department of History, University of North Bengal and director of AKSHAYA KUMAR MAITREYA HERITAGE MUSEUM, University of North Bengal has delivered the keynote address with power point presentation.

There was a tea break for 20 minutes at 12.45 p.m. followed by keynote address by Dr. Bijay Kumar Sarkar, Professor, Department of History, University of North Bengal and director of AKSHAYA KUMAR MAITREYA HERITAGE MUSEUM, University of North Bengal. Pictures of artifact, objects preserved in the museum which are the primary sources for research are shown to our students at our virtual classroom. This workshop provided a structured environment where experts discussed their knowledge and skill with interactive session with the students.

Workshop On Archives And Museum Chairperson

Srabani Chatterjee, Head, Department of History, Siliguri Mahila Mahavidyalaya
It was a very informative workshop in which the following issues are discussed.
01 Museums are a storehouse of old artefacts , sculptures , objects etc. of religious , cultural and historical value .
02 Provide an opening for students to relate with professionals or experts in the field , creating networking and probable mentorship opportunities .
03 Recommend insights into career paths, and skill sets essential for success in the field, helping learners to make well-versed decisions about their profession.
04 Archieves are indispensable because they give a record of the past. They can be used to explore historical events,study about a particular culture or society’s growth or enhanced understand how people lived in the past.

Seminar ended with vote of thanks by Prodipta Bose, Assistant Professor, Department of History, Siliguri Mahila Mahavidyalaya

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